Make a donation
Your contribution can change a life
Donations are the lifeblood of our work. Without them, we are unable to provide even the most basic of service to those in need. We are very grateful to our network of supporters around the world. No matter how large or small your donation, know that it is always welcomed and will be used to good effect.
If you live outside the UK, please click here.
If you live in India, please click here.
You can donate to Calcutta Rescue Fund in several ways:
You can make a transfer from your bank account using the BACS system. If you are a UK taxpayer please tell us so we can claim Gift Aid.
For single donations please use these account details:
Account name: Calcutta Rescue Fund
Sort code: 40-52-40
Account number: 00094716
Bank: CAF Bank
Please leave your name in the reference box, so we know who the donation came from.
For regular giving (standing order) donations please use these account details:
Account name: Calcutta Rescue Fund
Account number: 00171356
Sort code: 30-92-92
Bank: Lloyds Bank
Please leave your name in the reference box, so we know who the donation came from.
Alternatively you can set up a standing order and Gift Aid it by downloading the CRF Donation Form. You can send your donations form to us by post at: Calcutta Rescue Fund, 4 Claremont Road, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN11SZ or scanned by email at
Donate via JustGiving, which can include GiftAid.
Give in your own currency using PayPal. You do not need a PayPal account – you can pay with a credit card instead.
Click the links below to donate in your preferred currency:
European Currencies:
Euros (EUR): Click here
Norwegian Krone (NOK): Click here
Swedish Krona (SEK): Click here
Danish Krone (DKK): Click here
Russian Rubles (RUB): Click here
Polish Zloty (PLN): Click here
Czech Koruna (CZK): Click here
Hungarian Florins (HUF): Click here
Americas Currencies:
US Dollars (USD): Click here
Canadian Dollars (CAD): Click here
Mexican Peso (MXN): Click here
Brazilian Real (BRL): Click here
Asian Currencies:
Japanese Yen (JPY): Click here
Hong Kong Dollars (HKD): Click here
Singapore Dollars (SGD): Click here
Israeli Shekel (ILS): Click here
Australasian Currencies:
Australian Dollars (AUD): Click here
New Zealand Dollars (NZD): Click here
Download and print a copy of our Donation and Gift Aid Form.
You can send us a cheque or CAF voucher to:
Calcutta Rescue Fund,
4 Claremont Road,
Tunbridge Wells
Kent TN1 1SZ
Cheques should be made payable to “Calcutta Rescue Fund“. provide a FREE service where you can shop with your favourite online stores and at no extra cost and raise funds for Calcutta Rescue.
You still shop directly with each retailer as you would normally, but simply by using the links from the easyfundraising site first, each purchase you make will generate a cashback donation.
Legacies are a very important part of Calcutta Rescue Fund’s income. Please consider remembering us when you make your will.
Calcutta Rescue Fund is a registered charity No: 290917 and all legacies of whatever amount are free of inheritance tax, and will not affect or reduce any other inheritance tax allowances or exemptions to which the donor’s estate is entitled.
Some of our supporters make donations to Calcutta Rescue Fund in memory of a loved one. If you would like to do this, you can send us a cheque or donate online, or set up an online giving page so that other people can donate in memory of a loved one.
You can make a personal page to support Calcutta Rescue Fund by clicking here.
Every car has a value, whether it’s roadworthy or only good for scrap.
GIVEACAR is a social enterprise that allows you to donate your old car to charity, just as you might donate possessions to a charity shop.
Their goal is to raise as much money as possible for registered charities, to recycle cars to the highest environmental standards, and at no extra cost raise funds.
Click here to find out more about GIVEACAR.
Currently we are unable to accept donations of medicines. In normal times we welcome donations of in-date medicines that are unavailable or expensive in Kolkata.
We cannot accept any of the following:
•Drugs that will expire in the next six months.
•Doctor’s samples.
•Items without a batch number and expiry date.
•Liquids, creams.
•Any medical instruments that are not listed.
If you would like to donate medicines, please contact us.